Body Systems

iTOVi Exercise Guide: Part 2: Creating the Base of an Exercise Plan

Exercise usually takes a little planning. Learn how to create the base of a personalized, effective, enjoyable and sustainable exercise plan here!

iTOVi Exercise Guide: Part 1: Motivation

Exercise is indispensable for wellness. Join us as we explore the ins and outs of exercise, exercise plans, warm up, recovery, and more! 

Adrenal Love  – Topical Solution

Your adrenal glands play a crucial role in your health, daily energy levels, blood sugar, immunity, and much more! Mix up and regularly apply this topical solution to support your adrenal glands!

The iTOVi Nutrition Guide: Part 6: Supplements & Nutritional Support from iTOVi

Supplements can be an incredible support for your nutritional wellness. And iTOVi can help! But to use nutritional supplements successfully—there are a few rules you should know about. 

The iTOVi Nutrition Guide: Part 5: Women’s Nutrition

We’re here to talk about women’s nutrition! Discover the unique nutritional needs, obstacles, and strategies for women's nutritional health.

First Aid & Essential Oils

When emergency strikes, it's best to be prepared. Learn basic first aid procedures and how your essential oils and iTOVi Scanner can help!

The iTOVi Nutrition Guide: Part 4: Timing

It's not just about WHAT you eat, but WHEN you eat! Learn how to optimize your nutritional timing for maximum health, energy, stress management, weight management, and more!

Hot Flashes & Essential Oils

Hot flash! Learn why hot flashes happen, how they can be prevented, and, of course, how your iTOVi Scanner and wellness products can help!

The Art of Listening to Your Body

Your body is your lifelong partner in crime. Discover how to listen to your body, including when to listen, what tools to use, and more!

Your Lymphatic System & Essential Oils

Taking care of your lymphatic system is one of the keys to your daily wellness, longevity, and healthy physical appearance! And, it just takes a little knowledge, few healthy habits, and some support from our essential oils to keep your lymphatic system flowing and healthy!

Chakra Download!

Access Chakras & Oils!